I like to consider myself a hard worker and put forth the effort to do my job correctly in every aspect. Today I learned that most of my team is skating by and not even putting in the time for review just to get numbers. I alerted my supervisor to this and did not get the response I was expecting. Maybe that's my issue, I expect too much out of people. I was raised to have a work ethic and put forth what you want out of job, career, anything really. I do that, with everything at work I do, I put forth my best effort to make sure the job is correctly done the first time.
I am the senior member of my team so I know wrong when I see it and it's just wrong all the time now. I can't help but feel that my work ethic is not wanted and not noticed. I still feel the lingering stink of a former co-worker who was, to be perfectly frank, a asshat. Said asshat liked to see me upset and would do and say anything to make me upset. When I tried to anonymously vent my frustrations I would get in trouble, because for some dumb reason my supervisor at the time found out. I know, dumb me. But instead of talking to the offender, they talked to me, the offendee, repeatedly telling me that I can't vent about it because I'll get in trouble, even though no names were used, not even mine or where I worked, and that I should ignore the harassment. Where I work there is, supposed to be, a zero tolerance policy against harassment, however my harasser just kept right on harassing and being an asshat.
Thankfully asshat is in another department so they can do asshatty things there far away from me. I still feel like I have to make up for the 2 year reign of terror that asshat delivered to me. IT WASN'T MY FAULT...I tried to ignore it and I tried to go through the "proper" channels to deal with it, but I was rebuffed. I am good at what I do, sure it's not a lot and I want to do a lot more, but I'm good at what I do. Better than most people, because I have a such a good work ethic. Sure I make mistakes, everyone does, but I'm not a lazy no good philandering bump on a log. All these other "workers" aren't half as smart as I am, and this isn't just my opinion, they don't produce the quality of work I do and they aren't dedicated like I am. And still they squeak by without being talked to about anything.
I guess I'm just tired of being the hard working individual I am, man that sounded conceited, but I digress. Being rewarded for hard work is hard and not all that rewarding, but I won't let myself reduce my standards to be like everyone else. I just infuriated at the circumstance and the other jobs I interviewed for turned me down because said hiring supervisor worked with me during the asshat chronicles and probably doesn't want to work with me again.
To sum up, I'm way too talented and smart for the position I am in but I have no other options and I will be forever infuriated with asshat and those who subscribe to a lazy work philosophy.
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